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14 Years in Business, Marks the End

Reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey and what's next.

Today marks 14 years since my business, Reed & Associates Marketing (R&A), was incorporated and my professional dreams started becoming realized. Had I known then what I know now, would I do it again? Absolutely. Would I do things differently? Maybe a few little moves, but not the big ones. The foundation of my business was one built on my values and strengths therefore I am proud of output and how we operated — with passion and integrity.

It is those same values that have also informed how I have spent the past six months closing the R&A doors. Everyone knows it is not easy to start a successful business but no one tells you how challenging it is to shut one down with integrity. Just like I had no fail-safe instructional book on ‘how to start a marketing business’ 14 years ago in the middle of a recession, I have operated on instinct in closing my business, now in midst of an ongoing pandemic.

At the core of my approach was to do well by all those impacted — employees, clients and vendor partners. Which meant open communication and support as everyone transitioned to their next chapter. I am proud of how we have operated in these final months and forever grateful for the people who helped make a seamless transition possible.

Aside from the people, there are so many moving parts to a business implemented over time, that when closing, must be broken down at a much greater pace. I am a girl that loves a good checklist but even I found the set of tasks associated with this effort daunting and overwhelming at times. So as I inch closer to narrowing that list, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am better able to reflect on the years and find greater peace with my decision.

My level of inner peace associated with the decision to close R&A is something I have been asked by a lot of people. From where I stand today, less than a month away from welcoming our third child, I feel truly at peace. This does not mean I am not mourning, because I certainly am. I still walk into the empty R&A office in Norfolk, once so full of energy, talent and passion, and become struck with emotion. I let myself feel it, I revisit my why, and take the next step.

People also often ask what I am going to do next. And for those asking who know me well, as highly motivated and an extreme planner, have been surprised by my answer — that I am unsure and ok with that for now. As a busy mom | entrepreneur, who struggled with creating a healthy work | life balance, I was not able to really take the time with my first two children to enjoy my pregnancies or soak in the infant period. So I look forward to being able to do just that with my little girl while creating a healthy space for our boys to welcome their sister and continue to thrive in their own lives.

All of that to say, there is no denying the entrepreneurial spirit remains alive and well within me. And as unexpected as it might sound, I would even say the confidence in my instincts as an entrepreneur have been strengthen in the process of closing R&A. So sure, there is a possibility of me starting another business one day or tapping into my passion for helping other small businesses thrive, but I don’t need to define that today. I like to think the best ideas and clarity happens passively while you are busy living life, and THAT is what I plan to do!

To all the entrepreneurs reading this — I am rooting for you — not only to be successful in business, but to find a comfortable work | life balance and to thrive in all areas of your life.

Thank you to all those who chose to be part of the R&A journey over the past 14 years and for the trust you have put in my leadership. As I look back at all the pictures and revisit memories, I cannot help but think —gosh, that was fun!


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