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A Date with Bacon!

A twist on a traditional appetizer.

While I certainly won't turn down a good bacon wrapped date, I prefer my bacon crunchy and cheese on everything so I've come up with a simple 30 min recipe that marries those three ingredients in the yummiest way!


  • 16 Dates

  • 4 oz Goat Cheese

  • 4 Pieces of Cooked Bacon

  • Salt + Pepper

  • Optional - herbs | balsamic glaze


  • Chop 4 pieces of cooked bacon

  • Soften the goat cheese -- either by letting sit out for 30 min or pop in the microwave for 30 seconds on medium

  • Add chopped bacon to the softened goat cheese

  • Hit with salt + pepper and mix

  • Chop off the top of the dates and cut them down one side

  • Fill the filleted date with your bacon cheese mix and roll them back up

  • Place in the oven on 275 for 20 minutes and let cool before enjoying!

  • Prep time - 10 min

  • Cook time - 20 min

Quick Takeaways

  • Make bacon for breakfast and just set four pieces aside for this recipe.

  • You can get herb coated goat cheese or add some greens from your garden for more flavor and even drizzle a little balsamic glaze to take it to the next level!

  • To make them more finger friendly, skewer with a toothpick and ENJOY!


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