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Fall Family Photos

Sunshine and smiles!

fall family photos

It's that time of year again -- Christmas card family photo time! We wrangled the kiddos after school for a late afternoon shoot at Pleasure House Point with my friend and photographer, Melissa Gilmore. It was unseasonably warm so I made last minute wardrobe changes and I am so happy with the way it came together!

Elle and I actually shopped for her the day before at Mom & Me Boutique. We found her dress and so many other cute fall and winter outfits! My dress is from Ivorie Kai paired with (way too high for sand) Frye heels.

Each year, our fall family photoshoot fuels our holiday card, but I also rely on Shutterfly and use the images to make Christmas gift keepsakes for everyone in the family. Ornaments for each kiddo they can have as a memento of their childhood, calendars for grandparents, puzzles for the family to work on together over the holiday and much more.

Yes, family photoshoot with young kids can be stressful, but the moments captured are well worth the effort. This is the only time they will be this small! The next time we do family photos, Grant's front teeth will be fully in, Nathan will probably be missing a few and Elle's curls will be flowing in the wind! Thanks Mel for capturing this moment in time!


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